dandelion是什么意思 dandelion的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 salad sauce翻译 dandelion是什么意思 dandelion的中文翻译、读音、例句

dandelion是什么意思 dandelion的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-01-25 20:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





1. The children loved blowing on the dandelion seeds and watching them float away in the breeze.


2. Dandelion leaves can be used in salads and the roots can be used to make tea.


dandelion在中文中有"蒲公英 、蒲公英"的意思,其中文解释还有"植蒲公英"的意思,单词读音音标为['dændilaiәn],dandelion来源于英语,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到17个与dandelion相关的例句。



例句:Some people think that dandelion flowers are pretty. (有些人认为蒲公英的花很漂亮。)


例句:Wind up the dandelion upside disc florets, the slightest slightest crack, it seems Yela sound of a broken certain things. (一阵风过来,蒲公英上边的小花盘,一丝一丝开裂,似乎哗啦一声,某些东西就破碎了。)


例句:dandelion is in deadwood 's angels, wind, Cheng Fengjing, brandish charm . . . Fell back, but found it was lonely extension! (蒲公英是飘落在枯木里的天使,风掠过,成风景,舞弄风姿…潸然回首,却发现那是寂寞的延伸!)


例句:As you go closer to it , the six-storey high structure will seem like an exploding dandelion. (翻译:当你去接近它,六层高的建筑将爆炸似乎是一个蒲公英。)


dandelion一般作为名词使用,如在dwarf dandelion([网络] 矮矮蒲公英)、fall dandelion(秋蒲公英)、juice of dandelion([医] 蒲公英汁)等常见短语中出现较多。

dwarf dandelion[网络] 矮矮蒲公英fall dandelion秋蒲公英juice of dandelion[医] 蒲公英汁Krigia dandelion[网络] 克里希亚蒲公英Russian dandelionna. 橡胶草\n[网络] 俄罗斯蒲公英;俄罗斯浦公英例句

1. dandelion is in deadwood 's angels, wind, Cheng Fengjing, brandish charm . . . Fell back, but found it was lonely extension! (翻译:蒲公英是飘落在枯木里的天使,风掠过,成风景,舞弄风姿…潸然回首,却发现那是寂寞的延伸!)

2. As you go closer to it , the six-storey high structure will seem like an exploding dandelion. (翻译:当你去接近它,六层高的建筑将爆炸似乎是一个蒲公英。)

3. With these guns as witnesses, I hereby wed thee, Freddie Dandelion, to this firearm. (翻译:在这些枪的见证下 我宣布你,性成员弗莱迪 与这把枪结合)

4. So I'd want to design something bright and airy like a dandelion. (翻译:所以我想要做一件像蒲公英 有朝气又轻快的内衣)

5. Dandelion determine the whereabouts of the wind, and you decide to me, dawn, I'll start, whereabouts you said forever inaccessible. (翻译:风决定了蒲公英的去向,而你决定了我的,天亮了,我这就出发,去向你说过的无法抵达的永恒。)

6. "Call -" heard, dandelion fluttering in the wind a little dandelion, a small parachute, a dream of a small fly in the sky. (翻译:“呼——”一声,蒲公英迎风飘扬,一个个小蒲公英,一个个小降落伞,一个个小小梦想在天空中飞翔。)

7. Among the candidates are Russian dandelion and guayule, a desert shrub found in the south-western American states and in Mexico. (翻译:俄罗斯的蒲公英和一种生长在美国西南部各州和墨西哥的沙漠灌木的银胶菊是候选品种之一。)

8. They cook dandelion leaves or put them into a fresh salad. (翻译:他们把蒲公英叶子煮熟,或者把它们放进新鲜的沙拉里。)

9. If I were a dandelion in the more Well, there are beautiful headdress, with special wings, but her mother would not stop me voyage . . . (翻译:如果我是蒲公英该有多好啊,有漂亮的头饰,有特别的翅膀,而且妈妈也不会阻止我远航…)

10. A crispy pig's ear over a dandelion and fennel salad with a quail egg and a guajillo chili sauce. (翻译:这是香脆猪耳佐蒲公英茴香沙拉 配上鹌鹑蛋和红辣椒酱)

11. It looks like the head of a dandelion seed, you know, with all the lollipops coming out of it, and with a center in it, that we started out as the tweet. (翻译:它看起来像蒲公英的顶部,你知道的,从中飞出的所有棒棒糖般的都有一个中心,正如我们首发的那条微博。)

12. But underneath, there's a sharp tang, like nettles and dandelion. (翻译:但是在深处,又有一种强烈的味道 像是荨麻和薄公英 )

13. Like dandelion seeds, casting bodies in every direction but his own. (翻译:就像蒲公英的 丢弃尸体的方向并不遵循他自己的意愿)

14. Pink tutu and frilly umbrella, both drifted off like a dandelion in the wind. (翻译:粉红色的短裙,镶边的雨伞,都象蒲公英一样随风消逝。)

15. I'm in a field and I look down and I see a single dandelion growing from out of what looks like cow manure. (翻译:我在田里,我往下看 看到蒲公英 从一团牛屎中绽放出来)


1. 定义和发音:dandelion是一种多年生草本植物,它的花和可以吃,也被广泛用于药用。dandelion的发音为[dan-duh-lahy-uh n]。

2. 生物特征:dandelion有长长的绿叶和的花,成熟后形成的白色球形花头中,包含着以细毛飞散的。

3. 药用价值:在中草药中,dandelion称为“蒲公英”,有清热解毒、利尿消肿等功效,可用于治疗感冒、咳嗽、肝病等病症。

4. 文化象征:dandelion在西方文化中象征着坚韧不拔、希望和自由,也被视为春天的标志。在中国文化中,dandelion则被赋予了“愿望实现”的寓意。


1. The dandelion is a common in many lawns and gardens.(蒲公英是许多草坪和花园里常见的杂草。)

2. I love how the dandelion's seeds float in the wind.(我喜欢蒲公英的在风中飘荡。)

3. Dandelion tea is believed to have many health benefits.(蒲公英茶被认为有许多健康的益处。)

4. The little girl blew on the dandelion to make a wish.(小女孩吹了蒲公英许愿。)

5. The dandelion represents courage and persistence in the face of adversity.(蒲公英象征着面对逆境的勇气和坚持不懈的精神。)

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